
Chocolate Dipped Frozen Bananas

05.19.2011 Sweet Things
Thumbnail image for Chocolate Dipped Frozen Bananas

Oh my goodness, who doesn’t love frozen chocolate dipped bananas?  I know,who wouldn’t right.  I remember getting them at amusement parks from one of those little vending carts. The ones I remember either were plain or had chopped peanuts on them,  I thought of something better…roasted salted chopped pistachios (sigh).  The whole sweet,salty crunchy thing […]

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Sunday Spotlight Recipes- Semi-Homemade Chocolate Banana Caramel Trifle

04.23.2011 sunday-spotlight-recipes
Thumbnail image for Sunday Spotlight Recipes- Semi-Homemade Chocolate Banana Caramel Trifle

The easiest way to use a cake that you may have messed up is to turn it into a trifle.  I hate to admit it but I don’t always make a perfect cake, when my cakes don’t turn out perfectly moist and fluffy I can’t just throw it out.  This cake was a homemade devil’s food cake […]

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5 Ingredient Cinnamon Banana Ice Cream

04.13.2011 Sweet Things
Thumbnail image for 5 Ingredient Cinnamon Banana Ice Cream

I frequently crave ice-cream probably because one of my earliest memories was that of going to get ice cream with my family, so I learned early on ice cream made my world a better place.  It always took me forever to decide which flavor I wanted, but it never changed for the longest time “orange sherbet”.  I’ve long since […]

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Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Bread Mini Loaves

04.02.2011 Breads
Thumbnail image for Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Bread Mini Loaves
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Banana Nut Waffles

02.02.2011 Breakfast
Thumbnail image for Banana Nut Waffles
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Crepes filled with strawberry cream & bananas

11.10.2010 Breakfast
Thumbnail image for Crepes filled with strawberry cream & bananas

How many of you like crepes but are afraid to make them?  I used to be until I tried them a few years back.  Crepes are so easy to make and they look so elegant and special.  Crepes are great filled with sweet things like fruit, cream and chocolate  or savory fillings such as chicken […]

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Hawaiian Banana Bread

09.15.2010 Breads
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