I can’t remember the last time I just bought drumsticks to cook, but I had seen this recipe about a year ago and thought it looked really tasty. While grocery shopping the other day our German exchange student picked up a huge package of drumsticks and asked if we could get them. I already had plans for the week so I said not this time, then I decided drumsticks needed to be on the next grocery list and I knew the recipe I wanted to try. I wondered how my family would like these sweet and sticky drumsticks but by the finger licking and cleaned plates I had no more worries. Everyone loved them, they really are good, not too sweet but they are super sticky like the name says. Make sure to give this recipe a try soon and have some wet wipes handy :).
Sweet and Sticky Chicken Drumsticks
1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
2 T. Ponzu sauce (citrus flavored Japanese soy sauce)
3 garlic cloves minced
1 T. minced fresh ginger
6-8 chicken drumsticks or 1.25 pounds
garnish with chopped flat leaf parsley and sesame seeds
Step 1: Put all the ingredients into a gallon size zip-loc bag add the chicken and close. Toss the chicken round in the bag and let sit in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours longer if possible and even over night.
Step 2: Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a large baking sheet with sides that come up with foil, then put a cooling sheet over the top of the baking sheet. Put the chicken pieces on the cooling rack and put into the over for 25 minutes.
Step 3: Pour leftover marinade into a small saucepan and cook over medium low heat until it thickens and reduces down, takes about 15 minutes.
Step 4: When the timer goes off on the chicken take it out and brush the legs generously with the cooked marinade. Then put the chicken back in the oven and cook for 10 more minutes or until internal temperature reaches 160.
Step 5: Coat the chicken one last time when it comes out of the oven, then garnish with sesame seed and parsley. Enjoy 🙂
Recipe adapted from: The Novice Chef originally from The Comfort of Cooking and Group Recipes

Looks like a very yummy dinner all the way around, Suzanne! The drumsticks definitely look finger licking good! I can see why your family gobbled these up!
thank you Chris 🙂
We love chicken drumsticks here at home – we always fight over those. So, for sure, sweet and sticky is a fun and tasty way to eat them! I have ponzu at home, so I think this will make an appearance on our dining table soon!6
Jen, I know your family would like these especially the little ones drumsticks are just so easy to hold onto.
Oh wow…I am full now but your pictures sure made me drool! Sooo delicious-great recipe!
thanks Sandra, hope you try them out 🙂
Oh wow is right-these look amazingly good!!! I’ll bet you all enjoyed these chicken drumsticks-thanks for sharing your recipe 😉 ps. time for dinner here …
Have a very wonderful weekend Suzanne;-)
Thanks Patty 🙂
Holy cow those look stick and sweet and well.. dare I say, orgasmic?
Sweet and sticky are the only ways to eat drumsticks! These look delicious, Suzanne…and I will be trying them soon! Your photos make them look so good too! Have a wonderful weekend!
Aaah! This is just like the chicken drumsticks I made recently except yours uses LESS sugar / honey and it’s sticky! What?! I wish I would have made your version! It looks amazing.
And I have to laugh at the thing about your German exchange student and the drumsticks. My German husband always wants them. We’ll go to the store and I get the usual chicken breast and he comes to me with the darned drumsticks all the time. 😉
Definitely going to try this! It looks awesome.
These look sticky delicious, Suzanne! Have a fabulous weekend :).
Looks so delicious! A must try for sure! Have a great weekend!
Chicken wouldn’t be chicken if it wasn’t dramatically sticky and wonderful! This looks scrumptious!!
Wow, Suzanne! I don’t think chicken has ever looked so good to me!
Thank you Ashley 🙂
There are only two people in my home but that batch would disappear quickly. Love the sticky sweetness of these drumsticks. 🙂
I bet you will not these them long either.
The color on these is simply mouthwatering! What a great little appetizer with such wonderful flavor. Nicely done!!!!!
thank you Lisa 🙂
The flavors sound incredible!! Love anything with ponzu sauce in it!