We ended up with 2 1/2 bushels and I gave a bag to my in-laws and the rest I have been working on all week. The peaches were at their peek of ripeness so I’ve been up late most nights trying to get these peaches taken care of. Watch out you may be seeing quite a few peach recipes on here so hang in there with me. If you’re a peach and spice lover you will love this recipe for jam, it’s fantastic.
The jam goes perfectly on homemade bread and I’ve been doing a lot of that lately too :). I will share the recipe for the bread in another post but for now you really need to make this peach jam and keep some for yourself but plan to share with your friends and family they will love you for it.
I found the recipe on the internet and it was titled Grand Champion Peach Jam, I get why it won some awards! I had to change the recipe since it didn’t set up and I had to redo it so I added more pectin and took out the fresh ginger. I do adore the warm spices in this jam they just go perfectly with peaches. It’s time to roll up those sleeves and get canning people, your going to be so happy with the results. If you have never canned before I suggest to take a look at this post that is very detailed on the process.
Spiced Peach Jam
8 cups chopped, skin removed peaches
4 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon chopped sugared ginger
2 1.75 oz. boxes of pectin
7 cups sugar
1 lemon zested
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground allspice
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg
Step 1: Peel and chop peaches, you may mash them a little if you like, but I didn’t.
Step 2: In a large stock pot put the peaches and lemon juice in and turn on the heat to medium high and cook stirring often until peaches begin to boil.
Step 3: After the peaches and lemon juice boil add the pectin and stir well, let it come to a boil, then slowly add the sugar stirring well after each cup. Finally, add the zest and spices and stir well.
Step 4: Let the peach mixture come to a full rolling boil, then set the timer for 1 minute. After one minute take off the heat and ladle into sterilized jars half pint or pint size jars leaving 1/4 in head space. Run a clean chop stick or long clean knife down the sides of the jars to get any air bubbles to come to the top. Then clean off the top of the jars with a clean moist paper towel or two.
Step 5: Put on lids that were soaked in very hot water to soften the rubber around the edge, then tighten with the screw caps but not too tight.
Step 6: Process jars in a water bath canner or steam canner for 10 minutes.
Step 7: Carefully get the jars out with canning tongs and put in a draft free place on a kitchen towel to cool for 24 hours. After 24 hours the jam should be ready to store in a cool dry place like your pantry, but after opening a jar make sure you put the jar in the refrigerator.
Makes: About 8-9 half pint jars.

I love peaches, and your jam look amazing! Great recipe!
Thanks Sandra, it was a labor of love for sure.
I love this spiced version! It would be a perfect compliment to sweet breads, or cookies. I went blueberry picking for my first time, and now I want to go peach picking! How fun, and this jam sounds fabulous! Hugs, Terra
You will love peach picking, it’s definitely not as laborious as blueberry picking is 🙂
I have wanted to make my own jam for quite some time – yours looks so wonderful, I love the warming spices!
One you make your own jam it will be tough to back to the store baught variety, nothing taste quite like homemade :).
Peach is #6 son’s fav – will be sending this to him
Then this recipe is a must Nancy, he will adore this jam.
I so want to lick that spoon! And I’m imagining this on warm homemade bread with melting butter, oh my! It looks just wonderful, I know your family loved it Suzanne! 🙂
It has been so yummy enjoying this peach jam and it’s what my hubby has been eating daily with fresh bread!
OH yum!! Peaches…I became obsessed with them during my college years spent in Georgia. I was spoiled that’s for sure. Now that I’m in Texas, they taste alright, but they pale in comparison to Georgia peaches. What a fun day you guys had! I went apple picking many years ago and remember thinking I should bring a suitcase next time. I’m glad you had a faithful helper ;). The jam looks fabulous, Suzanne!
Anything named Grand Champion Peach Jam gets my attention. It’s gorgous!
This recipe sounds wonderful. I’ll be sure to make this while peaches are still abundant. Great recipe and photos!
Such a delicious jam and beautiful colour 😀
Glad to be back!
Choc Chip Uru
I absolutely LOVE making homemade jam. I agree with you that the peaches right now are at almost perfection. In fact, I had two this morning along with my yogurt for breakfast. Your spiced version of this jam is simply perfect. Will be making this! Hope your week is going well.
Last year we went peach picking and had so much fun. I actually have never done canning before and I was a bit scared (and lazy) to make peach jam… I really have to try making my own jam one day. We can enjoy throughout the year and homemade is so delicious. I love your spiced peach jam (and jealous!). 🙂 You have a handsome son! 😀
I started making my own jam this year and can’t get over how much delicious and fruity it is (as opposed to sugar-flavored :-)). Yours looks absolutely wonderful. I especially love the spices and the rich, warm color. 🙂
I amde your delicious peach kjam yesterday & my mom, dad, husband & I all love it! It is seriously tasty!!!
It is great on home baked sourdough toast! 😉
The jam you mentioned! It sounds heavenly. Ginger and peaches? Perfect. And candied ginger?! You’re killing me here. 😉
I’m new to canning fruits. I’m wondering what is the amount of “2 boxes pectin” is?
Thanks for the question Denise, sorry I didn’t put that amount the boxes are each 1.75 ounces.
I love fruit and spice together, this is so delicious 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Very nice jam! I thought it was unusual to call for two packets of sure-jell and to add the sugar gradually (contrary to their usual directions) but I had lots of peaches to work with and decided to try it out. The jam has a nice, soft set that I really like and delicious flavor. Thank you and I’ll have to try some of your other recipes!
Oh thanks for letting me know Vivien. I’m glad it worked out for you and that you liked the flavor. Hope you enjoy it all year long.
I am brand new at making jams. Love peaches and found your recipe. I followed your recipe exactly and it came out perfectly but more important it is soooo delicious. Everyone I’ve given it to loves it and since peaches are still in season will be making another batch this week. Thanks so much for the recipe!
Thanks for sharing this recipe. We made a batch of this today — seems to be taking a long time to set so hopefully it will over the next few days. Great taste. The source recipe linked to says yield is 6 pints — which is about exactly how much we ended up with ( much more than the 8-9 half-pints listed in the recipe here).
Hi Suzanne!
I made this jam last night and it looks beautiful in the jars. By the way it made 6 pints! Problem is though it seems to be setting up slow. Is this normal for this recipe? Yours looks much thicker in your pictures.