I have to admit before I started food blogging if you were to offer me pumpkin soup I would’ve made a bad face. Well, that was a few years back and now I’m posting my first pumpkin soup recipe made with fresh pumpkin not canned, I’ve come a long way baby. I wouldn’t say that my family is at the same stage I am about pumpkin soup but that’s okay because I really enjoy it.
After deciding to make pumpkin soup, I then needed to choose a flavor to highlight in the soup. I chose to flavor my soup with a spice typically found in Indian food that I have used a few times and am getting more fond of, it’s garam masala. Garam masala is an Indian curry not based on the spice tumeric like most other curry powders, it’s based on three part mixture of cardamom, coriander and black pepper. All I can tell you is that it’s a complex flavor blend that is used in all kinds of Indian dishes and it taste very good and a little bit spicy. Pumpkin is so mild in flavor it needs a spice that fully flavors the dish. If you can’t find any garam masala then you could substitute curry powder, but I found garam masala at my local Walmart shopping center (a shocker to me). Get out of your comfort zone a little and try out this pumpkin soup.
Pumpkin & Mushroom Soup
1/2 a large yellow onion chopped
8 oz. whole mushrooms, chopped
1 clove garlic press
3/4 tsp. garam masala
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
red pepper flakes (optional)
1/2 tsp. salt
4 cups chicken broth
1 small sugar pumpkin roasted – 3 1/2 – 4 cups fresh roasted pumpkin pureed
Step 1: In a large stockpot cook the onion, mushrooms, and garlic on medium heat until cooked well, but not burnt.
Step 2: Add the spices, salt and chicken broth stir well then add the pureed pumpkin. Stir well and cook until hot.
Garnish with crumbled bacon, and serve with crust bread or Indian naan bread.

How fun Suzanne. I love garam masala but never thought to put it in pumpkin soup.
Thank you Chris, I can’t believe you never thought of it before you are so creative with your soups!
Well I would eat pumpkin soup in a minute. Yep the spices make ALL: the differences. What’s wonderful about soup is that you can jimmy with the spices to suit your taste while you are cooking it. Guess what? Today someone gave me a belated birthday gift. Part of it was a jar of beautifully canned apple pie filling. I thought of your post. I am going to be very choosy when I use such a treat.
Glad you’re a pumpkin soup person 🙂 Hey that is awesome you got a nice jar of apple pie filling, sounds like a friend who knew what you would like. Happy belated Birthday Carol!
What a lovely colour for a soup, delicious! I love the vege combo too 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Awe thanks Uru, cheers to you!