Welcome to Sunday Spotlight Recipes where anyone can share a recipe each week
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- it’s easy and the recipe doesn’t need to be new, old favorites are great.
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I usually start off with a recipe but not today, I wanted to share with you two bloggers that have given me awards. It is so nice to get a “shout out” and be recognized by fellow blogger friends and today I want to share with you a little about each of the ladies that chose to give me an award. Please take minute and check out their blogs and some of the great recipes they have shared.
First, I want to introduce you to one of my friends across the globe her name is Ildy. She gave me the “Sisterhood of World Bloggers”, and I thank her for thinking of me for this award. I enjoy getting to know people from all over the world through this wonderful medium of blogging.
Ildy is from Hungary, her blog is written in Hungarian, so you will need to hit the translate button at the top of the blog to make sure you can read it. Ildy started her blog about a year ago after reading several other blogs and she then thought, she could do that too. Some of her favorite things to make are soups and desserts. Besides being a cook, Idly has a love for books and has many of them, she also writes on another blog about the books she reads. Ildy just recently moved her blog over to wordpress.com and those of us who have done a move in blogging know its a tough transition to get all of your readers to make the switch, so go visit her over at A Kitchen. Along with moving her blog she is about to have a new adventure in her life by moving from Hungary to England. She is very excited about the move especially to be able to practice her English daily. I asked Ildy if she had any misfortunes in the kitchen and she could only think of one, she forgot to put the lid on the blender while making a soup and you know what happen then. Because we are from two different cultures I asked what foods she didn’t like, she likes almost everything but thought that Nutella spread on bread or pancakes sounded so strange until…she tried it! Like many of us who have tried Nutella we have a small adiction to it now, the same happened to Ildy. The cake below is an example of her love of baking. I hope you all give Ildy a little love by dropping by her blog.
- Marble Cake
Another blogger I want to introduce you to is Patti from Comfy Cuisine. Patti recently awarded me with this nice award of “Stylish Blogger”.
Patti started her blog about a year ago as well and she did it because of a job loss and now recognizes what a blessing it was because she is loving her life in the kitchen exploring one of her hobbies. Here is a recipe of Patti’s that looks like a simple but delicious Spring dessert. Patti has just recently become a Pampered Chef consultant, so for those of you who need some cookware or stoneware you know where to find her. If you haven’t heard of Pampered Chef you really need too, they have wonderful stoneware that I love to bake with and other kitchen essentials that I just couldn’t do without. Patti wants to attend the Culinary Institute in New York soon and hopes to finish her schooling in Italy. Wow, Patti sounds like she has some great plans ahead for her future. Now go on over to Patti’s blog at Comfy Cuisine and give her some love! I’m supposed to list several blogs that you should see but that is what this Sunday Spotlight Recipes is all about for checking out other recipes and blogs. I just recently added a tab at the top of my site called “Sites I Frequent” please check there for many more blogs worth reading 🙂
Hope everyone has a great week ahead! Thanks for stopping by You Made That?

Congrats on your awards. You have a nice website, good work.
thanks Judy, your very sweet.
Congratulations on your well deserved awards! I've already linked my molten chocolate cakes. Thanks for hosting this event!
Thank you Katerina, your molten cakes are calling my name for sure! Happy Birthday too!
Congrats on your awards Suzanne! You deserve them! xoxo
thanks Reeni, glad you linked up here again. Your cookies look scrumptious!
Hi Suzanne,
You are really kind that you showed my blog to your friends and readers in this way. I'm highly honoured by your nice words. Thank you very very much!!:)
Have a great day,
Your welcome Ildy, have a wonderful wee 🙂
Hi Suzanne! Thanks so much for the lovely article – much appreciated! Happy to be here again! Have a great day!
Your welcome Patti, you have a great week.
Congratulations on your well-deserved awards. This is my first visit here but I'll be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary